
Transformation Through Education

Group of 4 men sitting in a circle holding regional maps of South Sudan while one man instructs the three others.
Leadership Training Institute students in a small group training session.

Twenty-five years of war in northern Uganda and sixty years in South Sudan have torn apart the social fabric of generations. Existing schools are sometimes far for children to walk and have a 100:1 student-teacher ratio. Additionally, the lack of access to safe water in schools increases the potential for disease, some children must choose fetching water over education, and early marriage and poverty are prevalent. All of these factors derail children’s education and are demoralizing.

Favor’s community development model has been informed by over 20 years of work and recognizes the church and the Word of God as the center of sustainable, ongoing community development. We strongly believe that every child should have the opportunity to survive and thrive in education.

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

- The Apostle Paul, Philippians 1:3-6
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Adults sitting in a circle in blue plastic chairs under the shade of a tree listening to teachers.
The Village Learning Centers we help establish also offer classes to adults.
School children in line for lunch and two boys presenting their lunch plates.
Our Primary School students share their joy and so much more with us.
Primary student girl holding a little boy a few years younger than herself during lunch break.
Our Primary School students share their joy and so much more with us.
Secondary students with notebooks, sitting in a circle with with their 'academic parent'.
Secondary students having a meeting with the teacher assigned to be their "academic parent."
Terry Goodman speaking to secondary age students sitting on tile floor of big room.
Country Director Terry Goodman speaking to Favor Secondary students during a day of prayer and fasting.
Secondary age students in uniform funneling out door of building and making faces at camera.
We have welcomed 100+ secondary students from all walks of life, religions, and income levels.
Two men leaning over to read from the Bible.
Bible study is an important part of every LTI student's day, especially during our Training of Trainers (TOT) conference.
Group of 4 men sitting in a circle holding regional maps of South Sudan while one man instructs the three others.
Leadership Training Institute students in a small group training session.
Stories of Transformation
Transformed Hearts Transform Nations