Where We Work

Ten Nations, Many Tribes

Click the image above to see in larger view where all God has established His Kingdom through indigenous Favor missionaries.

God raised up Favor to proclaim and establish the Kingdom of God in Northern Africa. While headquartered in Gulu, Uganda, Juba, South Sudan, and N'Djamena, Chad, Favor has continued to grow outward, reaching the neighboring nations of Sudan, Ethiopia, Congo, Kenya, Central African Republic, Egypt, and Djibouti. Though these nations share borders, the cultures in each nation are dynamically different.

Favor exclusively ministers in the land through indigenous leaders of the land, called, raised up, and sent in Kingdom force to bring God’s love, power, and healing to people traumatized by war, tribal fighting, human trafficking, terrorism, famine and starvation.

The most key element to this process is through conducting two-month long trauma counseling and discipleship trainings we call Portable Bible Schools (PBS). Following a PBS in a given area, we are establishing mission stations nearby for ongoing discipleship, church planting, and growth. (On the map above, these are called FAMI mission stations, which stands for Favor Africa Ministries International.)

Older African man sitting with hands folded in prayer.

Favor brings Community Development and Evangelism & Discipleship nationally, primarily to rural villages deep in deserts, jungles, mountains, and grasslands. Our Education and our Economic Empowerment ministries work from fixed locations in both of our Gulu and Juba headquarters, receiving, training, and sending leaders to the furthest reaches of East Africa.

We serve nations one community at a time to see people know their calling, destiny, and purpose in Jesus.  Kingdom culture is taught, and lives that were bound and broken become free and healed to rise up and be all that God has called them to be.

A Favor team preaches the Gospel to an unreached people group in the mountains of South Sudan.

Three men standing in front of and teaching a large audience of mostly children.

“You want God to do the impossible? Put your feet into the impossibility, and watch God divide the water… You watch God do the supernatural, but go step on it.

— Carole Ward

Country Backgrounds

Independence from British Empire: October 9, 1962
Official war in the north of Uganda: 1984-2006
Map of where the Lord's Resistance Army used to be in northern Uganda.Man with one leg making his way with crutches down a dirt road.

Uganda has struggled under a series of dictators who decimated the nation’s once robust economy. The impact was greatest in the north, which suffered the control of ruthless rebel forces for nearly 25 years. Infrastructure and businesses were wantonly destroyed as education, skilled workers, and churches vanished. The emotional trauma wrought throughout the region was incalculable, fracturing the fabric of society and leaving nearly 50% of the nation’s population aged fifteen and under, with a life expectancy of just 55 years. Now after over a decade of peace, the north still fights corruption and poverty in its journey of recovery.

Favor was established in the north during the height of the rebel LRA war. Today, we continue to walk with its people through the long-term process of restoration. Our work reaches every level of society to raise a new generation of leaders established on the secure foundation of Christ.

Independence from Sudan: July 9, 2011
Periods of official war: 2013-2022, 1982-2005,  1955-1972
Map of South Sudan, distributed by ethnic group areas.

The nation of South Sudan has experienced violent conflict continuously from 1955 to present.  Prior to civil war there was British rule,  Islamic slave trade, and oppression. At prayer events, our South Sudanese family cries out, “Our grandfathers were born and died in war, our fathers were born and died in war, and we were born in war. Let our children not die in war.”

This young nation has suffered the longest conflict in African history. Since only December 2013, it is estimated that over 50,000 people have been killed and four million have been displaced. Over sixty years of civil war has created a generation who do not know life apart from war and poverty. Because the nation is ranked as one of the world’s most dangerous places for aid workers to live, many relief and development efforts are thwarted. However, the people are desperate for the Gospel and desperate for development.

Crowd of thousands at an outdoor revival meeting with men on stage standing and holding a walker and a crutch high in the air.

In the face of the world’s worst food crisis, inflation, and daily fear of death, the South Sudanese people have asked again and again: “Will you please bring us Bibles?” and “We hear you bring discipleship and trauma counseling. We need your trauma counseling.” Favor is working with government and spiritual leaders to support the process of reconciliation and restoration through the powerful tool of Trauma Counseling, teaching on forgiveness, introducing people to the Great Forgiver, and seeing hearts transformed by the Gospel.

We are also actively involved in the Sudanese displacement camps in the north of Uganda, bringing Gospel teaching and discipleship. There is a multiplication and acceleration of what God is doing in this nation - people are hungry and His Word is powerful!

4 Countries, 3 Organizations

World map highlighted with Favor locations in US and Africa.

Favor has organizations in Uganda, South Sudan, Chad and the United States.
Favor International, Inc. (USA)
Favour of God Ministries (Uganda)
Favour Africa Ministries International (South Sudan and Chad)

Nile River Basin

Map of Nile River Basin.

Source in Uganda, flows out through Egypt.

Stories of Transformation
Transformed Hearts Transform Nations