About Favor

What is Favor?

Africans holding paper certificates.
A Portable Bible School group holding up their Bibles and completion certificates.
Youths rejoice with new brother in Christ who used to sell them drugs.
Youths rejoice with new brother-in-Christ who used to sell them drugs.
Favor International is a movement serving & training national leaders in North African war zones to sustainably change their communities with the power of the Gospel.

Currently with head offices in Uganda, South Sudan and Chad, but reaching into an additional 7 countries, Favor sees whole communities and nations transformed by the Gospel being applied to every part of life, from health to education to economic empowerment – all rooted in transformation of the heart. Transformed, national leaders holistically fit Biblical solutions to local needs and see life-changing results for whole villages and regions.

Our international partnerships serve, train, and empower nationals to impact their local communities in the context of God-sustained movements. We pray, live sacrificially, and do whatever it takes to align our lives with God’s purposes and methods for particular people groups in particular lands and contexts.

Victims of War Becoming Instruments of Revival

After decades of ministry, Favor still brings the Gospel with discipleship in the midst of war to the lost and unreached.

Through national leadership, tribes and denominations unify. From trauma counseling to church planting, we have been given the privilege of ministering to hundreds of thousands over the years. We give thanks to the Lord and our financial supporters that have made this possible.

We provide all services at no cost to those desperate for the life-transforming power of the Gospel, in places where many others flee or avoid.

We are here for life. Uganda South Sudan and Chad are our homes.

Favor International is 100% operated by nationals. Our missionary staff members, volunteers, field workers, and management team leaders are born in the land and called to reach their brothers... no matter the adversary.

Gabriel kneeling on a rock surrounded by water with his arms spread wide and his Bible next to him.

South Sudan

Elliot standing in front of Favour FM media wall sharing about the ministry in Uganda.


Gabriel kneeling on a rock surrounded by water with his arms spread wide and his Bible next to him.

South Sudan

Elliot standing in front of Favour FM media wall sharing about the ministry in Uganda.


We are here for life. Uganda and South Sudan and Chad are our homes.

Favor International is 100% operated by nationals. Our missionary staff members, volunteers, field workers, and management team leaders are born in the land and called to reach their brothers.

Because Christ’s love compels us, we pursue this version that requires no less than God’s favor for our next step.

Favor is a partnership. First with God, then with one another. Will you join us on this mission? Donate Now.

Because Christ’s love compels us, we pursue this version that requires no less than God’s favor for our next step.

Favor is a partnership. First with God, then with one another. Will you join us on this mission? Donate Now.

Man in suit speaking joyfully into microphone to audience under large tent.
Favor facilitates sustainable, national transformation for whole communities at a time.
Carole loving on and being crowded by African children.


Favor is an organization that first began in Uganda in 2004 in response to God’s heart for northern Uganda during the most horrific war in African history.

The vision was birthed by corporate prayer in 2002 by Ugandans and founder Carole Ward in the midst of civil war to see God’s transformation of leaders and of the region.

Through God’s miraculously rapid advancement of the Gospel, discipleship, and mobilized prayer movements, the previously unconquerable child-soldier armies of Joseph Kony and the LRA were conquered. It led to an uneasy peace by 2006, but God dug in further to uproot the kingdom of evil. So much so that Kony’s right-hand general, who converted to Christianity and attended Favor’s Bible school, credited one of Favor’s specific prayer gatherings for ending the war.

Along with other nameless, faceless heroes of the faith whose prevailing prayers ended the crisis, Favor immediately went to work bringing the Gospel with discipleship, empowerment, training, and mobilization to every corner of northern Uganda and beyond.

Favor staff member handing Bibles across his desk, one to each of the two men sitting across from him.
At Favor, we do our best to make sure every believer has a personal study Bible.

Mission and Vision

Favor facilitates moves of God one community at a time, multiplying and accelerating national leaders in frontline physical and spiritual battlegrounds to align their communities with the purposes of God in every aspect of life. In serving and training national leaders, we partner with Jesus in anything He is presently doing.

Our mission is that, through the power of the Gospel, mobilized prayer and discipleship, leadership development, local community-based problem solving, and public/private cooperation, our indigenous leaders help to transform unreached and underserved communities & nations of Africa.

Our vision is to see transformed hearts transform nations. In religion, family, education, government, media, business, and the arts, God is bringing revival to all levels of society among war-affected communities as desperate people reach for the Hope of the Gospel.

Foundational Principles

  • Relationship - All partnering and ministry is built on this foundation.
  • Research - It's important to us to sow where the need is greatest. Before determining where to expand the ministry, we make sure to pray and research about the possibilities.
  • Receipts - Every receipt is kept for each purchase made or service paid for. They are filed with accurate bookkeeping in the ministry office and then scanned and emailed back to the partner.
  • Reports are reports are given to ministries and supporters on a regular basis. They include acknowledgement of gifts and thank you notes from the office and recipients of the money. We do this to encourage ongoing relationship with the gift recipients.
  • Records - Each purchase or service relating to designations are recorded accurately with names of recipients, partners, use of money, date, location, and project or person the money was intended for. These records are available to any partner or ministry affiliated with the area of support.
  • Results - Results of seeds sown and planted are reviewed and re-evaluated. We want to see seed sown on fertile ground. If results of money spent are not evaluated regularly, waste can occur. Our reports will continue to be presented months after gifts are given.
Graphic of Favor International's ministry structure.
Stories of Transformation
Transformed Hearts Transform Nations