Portable Bible Schools

Two Favor missionaries wading through knee-high water to reach a remote fishing village in South Sudan.
Two disciple-makers wading through the flooded land to reach remote fishing villages in South Sudan.

“Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. ‘Do you understand what you are reading?’ Philip asked. ‘How can I,’ he said, ‘unless someone explains it to me?’ So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him”(Acts 8:30-31).

Favor’s Portable Bible Schools (PBSs) mobilize new disciple-makers into physical and spiritual war zones. Whether a life-time believer or brand-new convert, all come hungry for the Word and for training. These emerging leaders come from hidden corners, of nations restrictive of and hostile to the Gospel, for the two-month discipleship training that Favor brings to rural villages, always moving further outward into the unreached tribes. This ministry helps tens of thousands overcome barriers to study through literacy training and to spiritual maturity through the Holy Spirit and the Word, empowering them to live boldly in their contexts - persecuted or free.

Each boot camp trains participants to live Biblically in Jesus’s Kingdom and multiply disciples in their context. Taught by national leaders to multiply and accelerate new leaders, each PBS rejuvenates lifestyles around the Word and instills a love for the One behind the words.

Most importantly, each of the tens of thousands of African emerging leaders we graduate through PBSs graduate with a certificate, a physical Bible in their own language, and the training to make disciples and start (or rejuvenate) healthy congregations of people following Jesus together.

“Your faith will be activated where your feet go. Peter’s faith was activated when he stepped out onto the water. He didn’t start with his hands.”

- Carole Ward
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A PBS graduating class celebrating by wearing colorful wreaths.
Our PBS graduates receive their own Bible and a graduation certificate.
PBS graduates in Karamoja, Uganda holding certificates above their heads in celebration.
Some of our 2023 Karamoja PBS graduates upon graduating.
Group photo of men and women in white shirts, each holding a certificate in front of them.
Some of our 2023 Congo PBS graduates upon graduating.
Group of mothers gathered under a tree with children and a group of men behind, all listening to Favor missionary.
Whether in a building or under a tree, people eagerly gather to hear God's Word.
Men sitting in the shade of a building listening to a speaker out of frame.
Prisoners in South Sudan hearing God's Word taught, some for the first time ever.
Crowded group of men sitting on ground showcasing the PBS booklets they just received.
Prisoners in South Sudan hearing God's Word taught, some for the first time ever.
Men and women lining up to be baptized in dirty water.
Graduates of the Te-Olam, Uganda PBS entering the water to be baptized.
Stories of Transformation
Transformed Hearts Transform Nations