Trauma Counseling

Man sitting in a chair with face folded into hands.
Resolving past trauma with the love of God can be a difficult process, but our students find their way through with joy on the other side.

Our trauma healing program has two parts. The first section focuses on developing emotional strength, and the second teaches about forgiveness. Throughout the program, the counselors teach people how to connect to one another and counter stress with positive activity. In addition, stories and sharing times help the participants understand pain and trauma from another perspective while giving them the opportunity to discuss the events they’ve experienced.

The original Trauma Counseling curriculum that we use 1) was written by Christ-believing psychologists from Australia, 2) was peer-reviewed through publications at Boston University, and 3) for many years has been adapted and contextualized for the many people groups we serve throughout South Sudan and Uganda. Though founded in Biblical curriculum and implementation, the services and healing we offer to traumatized communities are not always presented as a “religious” function, but as a two-week process that works. By the end of the first week, forgiveness is introduced. How can you forgive if you have never been forgiven - in other words how can you give away what you have never received? They are introduced to the Great Forgiver!

Favor has discovered an immense demand and need for trauma counseling as both nations from top to bottom have experienced brutal oppression and injustice in generations of civil war. We are working at great speed to bring trauma counseling to many contexts. We have hosted reconciliation meetings between tribes with continuous violent raids. In both countries, we are bringing counseling to the military generals, government offices, the police force, the radio, universities and many more throughout these post-war nations.

Once the people have completed the trauma counseling, they are often ready and eager to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. In most communities, this work precedes a 2-month long Portable Bible School to train and disciple.

“Please bring your trauma counseling. We’re all traumatized in South Sudan… I’m traumatized.”

– Minister of the Interior for South Sudan
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Adults sitting at desks in classroom while two men at front teach.
Trauma Counseling group in Gorom Refugee Camp in South Sudan.
Soldiers on their knees with hands lifted in prayer.
Our Trauma Counseling program has gained such a reputation that even soldiers and government leaders request it.
Men and women sitting on benches in grass, each writing on his/her own paper.
Once people have completed the trauma counseling, they are often ready and eager to accept Jesus.
Five men joining their right hands together in the middle of their circle.
Muslim-Background Believers share a special bond with each other that helps them work through past trauma.
Man in soldier uniform holding up certificate at front of classroom.
A South Sudanese soldier receiving his Trauma Counseling graduation certificate.
Woman in soldier uniform holding up certificate at front of classroom.
A South Sudanese soldier receiving her Trauma Counseling graduation certificate.
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