Wars That Win Souls

May 23, 2024

Wars That Win Souls

Turbulent Fighting, Failed Ceasefires... But God!

Over one year later, turbulent fighting continues in Sudan, ceasefire talks have failed so far, and thousands of citizens caught in the middle have fled. But God...

"[God] has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us." - The Apostle Paul (Acts 17:26b-27, NKJV)

As Sudanese refugees have fled the fighting in Khartoum, Sudan, they have settled in surrounding nations - such as South Sudan and Chad - traumatized and seeking answers. This is how God has been opening the doors to their hearts to know Jesus. For many of them coming from a Muslim background, having had to flee such harsh circumstances may be the only way those doors could be wrenched open.

In the past year of demonstrating the love of Jesus to refugees, we have witnessed God grow His church in the Wedweil Refugee Camp into a thriving community of primarily Muslim Background Believers (see previous coverage). On one recent Sunday, we counted 75 in attendance! We rejoice with God over each of these 75 souls, and we rejoice that the impact extends farther as God continues transforming so many others!

On one Saturday, we witnessed 30 Muslims profess faith in Jesus! At least two of them determined to join the church in the refugee camp, but the rest were fearful at the time to go public with their faith and requested our field worker to continue teaching them at their homes in the camp.

Our growing efforts in Chad have also opened more doors to reach refugees with the Gospel.

At the Adre Refugee Camp in Chad, near the border with Sudan, we recently facilitated Trauma Counseling for 200 attendees. Out of these, only half finished as the other half shifted to different refugee camps. But seeds of transformation were planted and we witnessed 5 souls brought to salvation! Though 5 souls may not seem like many, each one is precious to God and the progress is comparable to the results we witnessed in the earliest stages of our efforts in the Wedweil Refugee Camp.

Pray with us. Pray that God would continue to fight the spiritual battles of these refugees who have recently come to know Him as well as the ones who are still seeking. Pray in confidence knowing that we are servants of the God who wins His wars!

**5/27/2024 UPDATE: A more recent report counted 37 who have put on Christ in baptism! Praise the LORD!!