Favor is a partnership: first with God, then with one another.
Who will you connect with us?

The Kingdom of God grows by relationships. The Favor US team exists to connect followers of Christ in America with God’s purposes more deeply through the fulfillment of His mission in East Africa.
We welcome new connections as much as new financial supporters. Who does God bring to mind who should know about this vision? Let us know!
Due to our low US-side operations expenses and because our International Director Carole lives in the field majority time, we cannot follow up with every recommendation immediately. But we will reach out promptly.
Finally, at any time, you or someone you know can write us a message.
Thank you on behalf of God’s Kingdom growing in NE Africa.
Favor is a multi-denominational, non-political, full-Bible, Holy Spirit-empowered movement of followers of Jesus living in His family and on His mission. We have met enthusiastic supporters and fans of what God is doing from every background of Biblical Christianity.

Contact Us
9am-5pm EST, M-F
3433 Lithia Pinecrest Rd #356
Valrico, FL 33596