Praying Without Ceasing

May 30, 2024

Praying Without Ceasing

On Monday, April 22, we launched a new House of Prayer (HOP) in Aweil, South Sudan, near where our teams have been ministering to refugees in the Wedweil Refugee Camp (see previous coverage).

The current HOP setup is temporary and our permanent location is pending. Even so, our team has already begun leading the way in praying for the people of the area and teaching them to pray without ceasing. And the testimonies God has given have already awed us.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit." - The Apostle Paul (1 Thessalonians 5:16-19, ESV)

Angelina had not had peace at home for a long time. When our Aweil HOP launched, she came to the first meeting and prayed fervently for God to restore peace and love in her family, particularly with her husband. By the time she got back home, she found God had answered her prayers in providing her and her husband with peace "like never before."

Philip was hunting for a job but was seeking one he would be able to honor God with. He prayed for a job and was offered one as a manager for a money transfer company. Philip rejected the opportunity because he felt it would lead him away from serving God. Two days later, he was called to work in the House of Prayer in Aweil and he thanks God for answering his prayer.

One woman reported to us how she got sick 13 years ago and couldn't recover. She spent much of her resources trying to find a medication that would improve her health, but with no results. She remained hopeful, but her son pointed out to her that her health hadn't been improving and now her resources were drained.

This woman came to the HOP during a time focused on counseling and the pastor advised her to join the prayer time. The woman took his advice and after praying found that she was totally healed! Now her desire is to encourage people to come to God for healing.

Another woman reported to us that the night after the prayer time on the launch day, God gave her a vision of being among many people praying and wearing a white garment. She testified that God had revived her prayer life and now she prays without ceasing. Glory to God!

We thank God for every prayer answered, for how He is pouring out His mercy, healing and peace on all in this region who are seeking Him!

The temporary setup for our House of Prayer in Aweil, South Sudan.