ECFA & Accountability


"Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful." - 1 Corinthians 4:2, NKJV
We strive to be faithful stewards of the gifts entrusted to us. Scriptural standards are the means by which we make ourselves accountable to you, those we serve, and most of all to God. We are committed to wise stewardship and to efficiently making the greatest impact while advancing the kingdom of God. We focus on transformational change and self-sustenance that have a multiplying and long lasting effect. As you partner, we as the steward of your donation stand committed to bear much fruit because of your sacred trust. We have a responsibility to maintain integrity and transparency in our financial practice. If you have any questions regarding our finances, please email

Accountability Badges

Expenses Accountability

2022 Expenses
2023 Expenses
$542,055 - general
$197,103 - fundraising
$6,644,411 - program

We take great pride in our financial efficiency, maximizing every dollar we receive. We use the great multiplier effect (GME) to get the best outcome.

The GME is our way of developing, training, and empowering indigenous faith leaders. These leaders in turn transform their villages and communities - there is no limit to what they can do.

Financial Documents

IRS 2023 Tax Determination Letter

“God will not be mocked. Those who sow the Kingdom will reap the Kingdom.”

- Carole Ward
Stories of Transformation
Transformed Hearts Transform Nations