
Three street kids sitting against a wall with plates of food.
Feeding & giving the Word and medical attention to kids on the streets.

There is a tremendous need for reliable and applicable community health information in Uganda and South Sudan. Access to formal education is severely limited and illiteracy rates are extremely high. Therefore, what most Westerners would consider common knowledge about disease prevention, germ theory, and basic hygiene principles is widely unknown in the places we serve.

In both Uganda and South Sudan, we have Favor clinics that provide basic medical care to our staff and their families, and to our former street youth who are in residence. In Uganda, where 50% or more of the population lives in extreme poverty, our clinic just opened to the public providing low-cost medical assistance to the community.

Beyond Gulu, Uganda and Juba, South Sudan, community health education is a vital and integral part of the Rural Education and Empowerment Program (REEP). During the two-month Portable Bible Schools, daily classes are taught on recognizing certain disease symptoms, preventing illnesses, and treating common disorders. Common knowledge like boiling water, washing hands and general cleanliness is taught as disease prevention.

Mobile medical clinics are a practical extension of Favor Clinics where we go to rural areas where there is little or no medical services. Of course each patient is prayed for, given the Gospel message, and treated for their diseases. Mobile medical clinics often open the way for further penetration of the Gospel into remote areas.

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.... Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be answered.”

– Proverbs 19:17 & 21:13
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Woman in scrubs showcases medical test
New tests help our diagnostic department to grow.
Three street kids sitting against a wall with plates of food.
In Juba, we feed, bandage, and disciple street youth in 20 locations around the city.
Dressing the wounds of one of our street children.
Men finishing hanging a sign on wall that reads "Favour Medical Centre - now open"
The opening of Favour Medical Centre in Gulu, Uganda.
Performing tepid on a child with pyrexia.
Man with pen in hand looks at paper on lap while holding phone. Woman sorts medicines together in background.
Taking inventory of medical center supplies.
Two women with Terry in medical supplies room.
In Uganda, our clinic is open to the public providing low-cost medical assistance to many who live in extreme poverty.
Woman crouching down to put medicine in someone's eye.
Mobile medical clinics allow us to serve those who can't come to our medical centers.
Man and woman sit on edge of bed praying for mother and baby who sit across from them.
In our medical centers, we pray with each of our patients.
Woman in white scrubs praying with older woman.
In our medical centers, we pray with each of our patients.
Two women in scrubs on radio program.
Favor medical staff teaching medical awareness and targeting prevalent issues in the community.
Stories of Transformation
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