Confessions of Former Muslims

November 16, 2023

Confessions of Former Muslims

It takes time to transform a person's belief system to one that reflects the One True King. But thanks be to God who through His Spirit has done and continues to do just that for so many Muslims even just this year!

Himat had always been taught throughout his life to see Christians as enemies, evil people with whom he can't associate. But when he fled the fighting in Sudan, how he viewed and responded to the world changed significantly.

Himat has joined another new brother in Christ, Ahamad, in leaving Islam behind for faith in Jesus as Messiah! Himat shared that ever since he came to the Wedweil Refugee Camp in South Sudan (see previous coverage), it was Christians who came to him. He learned from our field workers something he had never heard before: that Jesus calls us to love our enemies and bless those who curse us. Because of this and how they exemplified it to him is why he chose to accept Jesus and learn more from him.

Kharima is another former Muslim who recently made a confession of faith. When we came to visit and disciple her neighbor who had come to faith from a Muslim background, Kharima would often join and ask questions on what she heard us teaching and on what she heard from the audio Bible we had gifted her.

Kharima said that in Islam, she was brought up to think of humans as slaves of God. But she learned that through Jesus we can become children of God and she told us she wanted to be a child of God and she received salvation!