The Refugee Church

October 19, 2023

The Refugee Church

Ministry continues in the Wedweil Refugee Camp amidst the Islamic refugees who are fleeing the war in Khartoum, Sudan, and the refugee church has continued to grow and become more established. (See previous coverage.)

Our field missionary reports, "Though there is a great rejection of the Gospel in the camp, still there are more who are thirsty for the Lord." A number of Muslim-background believers have already come to know and accept the truth of Jesus since arriving in the camp, and some accepted Jesus even earlier.

The number of refugees who are placing their faith in Jesus isn't forecasted to diminish any time soon either since those who have already come to Jesus from Islam invite their neighbors over when our field workers come to visit. The growing number of believers and the ongoing ministry needs have even led to the construction of an outdoor assembly building where the church can gather.

Praise the Lord for the work He's doing, and let us continue to pray for our Muslim-background brothers and sisters and the challenges they are facing in Wedweil.

Our field workers with a couple Muslim-background believers.