Peace Abounds

June 15, 2023

Peace Abounds

"In his days may the righteous flourish, and peace abound, till the moon be no more!" - Psalm 72:7

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." - Jesus (John 14:27)

Our Almighty King is continuing to spread the peace of His Kingdom in South Sudan through our Trauma Healing sessions!

Women from the Murle tribe who survived a recent war in their native land are now being trained in trauma healing in Juba, South Sudan. The process of healing starts with helping them share their stories and identifying their needs. They are then taken through individual counseling sessions and taught techniques to help them recover from the pain. Teaching from the Word of God is another way through which they are helped to recover.  Because Christ is the ultimate healer!

In another Trauma Healing session held in Juba, Nancy Kenyi also shared her testimony.

Nancy was traumatized after surviving an attack in which six people were killed by armed men in her village. She said the event made her suffer nightmares which distressed her so much. Recently her friend recommended she attend the trauma healing session that was being conducted by our teams near her residence.

In the session, Nancy learned from people who had gone through similar experiences about their journeys to recovery. She was prayed for and counseled, and at the end of the session, Nancy declared that she had been healed and could now sleep in peace! Praise the God we serve!