Opening Doors to the Nations

March 29, 2024

Opening Doors to the Nations

Following the Training of Trainers (TOT) school in Uganda, Favor prayed over, graduated, and sent out over 100 missionaries to Northern Kenya, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Central African Republic, Congo, Chad, Egypt, the Darfur region and Nuba Mountains of Sudan, and all across South Sudan.

Those missionaries are now coordinating mission efforts such as other TOTs to continue the exponential Kingdom growth God has been bringing.

In N'Djamena, Chad, the team had a start date for the TOT with 52 missionaries-in-training well before knowing where to host it. The weekend before the TOT was scheduled to start, members of the Chad team took to the streets of N'Djamena to prayerfully seek and find the door God would open up for them, hoping for a building to lease. They instead found a building for sale that a Frenchman had priced well below what they would expect to need to pay for such a property.

After assessing the building and making a down payment, the team was allowed to move in the very next day. They dedicated the space to the LORD in a special praise and worship time and were able to begin the TOT the following week!

From each location, praises have been going up for how God is working, opening doors for evangelism through the trainings. Missionaries-in-training across Northern Africa have been on their knees in prayer for their people and are finding God revealing the way. Join us in praying with them for the nations. Here are a few of their prayers:

  • For the infilling of the Holy Spirit, that He would be the one preaching the Gospel through them through His power far better than they could on their own.
  • For the peace of the nations they serve (particularly South Sudan, Sudan, and Ethiopia), and for the protection of the local believers as they partner together to push back the spiritual darkness.
  • For Muslim nations; for the church to have zeal and godly strategies to penetrate even the toughest areas with the Gospel.
  • For Favor's worldwide partners who are holding the ropes, that they would lack no good thing from our Father.
Praying over the TOT graduates in Juba, South Sudan before sending them out.
The TOT graduates all together.
From the TOT in Chad.
From the TOT in Northern Kenya.
From the TOT in Ethiopia.
From the TOT in Kuajok, South Sudan.