Listening to Heal

March 21, 2024

Listening to Heal

She bought poison... but God intervened...

The year 2020 was a hard year for many. For Jackie, it was devastating when her husband decided to divorce her to marry another woman.

Leaving Jackie with three children to care for by herself, her ex-husband refused to support her and the children. She began to struggle as conditions became increasingly difficult to carry on as she had been with little hope. She wanted to commit suicide one way or another to end it all.

Jackie bought poison so she could die, but one day as she had a rope on her neck God intervened through a neighbor and saved her life.

After this intervention, Jackie knew she needed help working through her anger, bitterness, and stress. So she started listening to Favor FM. Through it, she found freedom from her burdens through the radio's Trauma Counseling program and has learned how to pray and seek the face of God in difficult situations.

In her prayers, she asked God to intervene to help in ways she had struggled and her ex-husband has started calling her to provide basic needs for her and the children!

Jackie says that she has become more prayerful through the teachings she hears on Favor FM and she wants to become a teacher of the Word of God!

Jackie's is just one of a number of testimonies our radio team in Gulu has received from their programs recently - programs that have helped numbers of others release deep-rooted bitterness, forgive, turn from alcohol and anger, and for some even build back their marriage. We give God all the glory for each life restored!