Solar Power for Two Radio Stations

After Alia heard the gospel through Favor FM, she was so excited about owning a Bible that she traveled to the Favor radio station to get a copy. She said “I’m overjoyed because through the radio I have now found what I have always wanted to but could never find on my own.”

Favour FM began broadcasting in Gulu, Uganda, in 2014 to bring hope and healing across the airwaves by the power of God, and the second station in Juba, S. Sudan, in 2017. These beacons of truth reach people and places at times our field workers will never otherwise reach.

Favor's program mix of evangelism, discipleship, worship, testimonies, news, and health and family education is tremendously popular with listening audiences. Testimonies of salvation, healing, and encouragement come daily.

Because municipal electricity service is unreliable in both countries, Favor relies on expensive generator fuel to keep the radio stations running. The installation of solar panels and batteries will decrease the operational cost of generator fuel and staff time to manually keep the generators running. Fuel is especially expensive and often difficult to keep in supply in Juba, South Sudan. Keeping staff around the clock to maintain the fuel supply at all three generator sites ties up their time from other tasks.

High-quality solar panels will work very well in Gulu and Juba because of their location near the equator and high number of sunny days. This mix of solar power, municipal power, and generator power will provide years of reliable power supply for the Gospel in these regions.

This project funds the purchase and installation of solar power systems at three locations: the two radio station production offices, and the radio tower site for the Gulu, Uganda station. The radio tower site for the Juba, South Sudan, site is not yet built, so a separate project proposal for the construction of that tower with solar panel installation will be issued to expand the reach of the South Sudan station.

How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

Your support of this project keeps the love of Jesus on the airwaves, reaching countless hearts and minds with the hope He has given us.

The total cost of $110,000 pays for solar power generation and battery storage at both radio stations. These improvements ensure both stations stay on the air and save thousands of dollars in operating generators with fuel.

About Favor Projects

Favor International, a 501(c)3 incorporation in the United States, tracks project and grant designations for use in the mission field. Designated gifts are usually put immediately to use within 40 days of reception in the US, though our guarantee is to use them within 18 months, or return the funds to the partner. Please see our privacy policy for more information.

Favor will complete projects at a pace matching financial support and reserves the right to increase project cost or duration due to unforeseen circumstances in the field, such as sudden changes of government policy, currency reevaluations, war, etc.