Building a New Primary School in Gulu, Uganda

We are moving from a rented facility to one owned by the ministry, which will reduce operational expenses and increase the quality of the building for Favour Primary needs, and allow us to become a city testing center instead of having to send our students to other facilities.

A Work in Progress

A Work in Progress

The project has already been underway long enough to complete the kitchen, but the cost of building materials has risen and we expect it will take about $1.5 million total and plenty of prayer to complete the campus. The building shown above is what we plan to use as the dining/multi-purpose hall for the campus.

About Favor Projects

Favor International, a 501(c)3 incorporation in the United States, tracks project and grant designations for use in the mission field. Designated gifts are usually put immediately to use within 40 days of reception in the US, though our guarantee is to use them within 18 months, or return the funds to the partner. Please see our privacy policy for more information.

Favor will complete projects at a pace matching financial support and reserves the right to increase project cost or duration due to unforeseen circumstances in the field, such as sudden changes of government policy, currency reevaluations, war, etc.